Sunday, May 14, 2017

#tarotthursdaythree: Decks, decks, decks!

It's a Sunday, not Thursday, but I felt the need to quickly answer these questions from last week. If this is your first week with #tarotthursdaythree, check out my past posts where I explain more in depth.

1. What feelings and thoughts does the concept of a "tarot deck collection" evoke in you?

On this week's chat with Kelly from The Truth in Story on YouTube, she talked about not having a "collection" but a "tarot library". I think this is a great way to think about decks. Each deck is a collection of art work and ideas that adds to the rich language of each card. Currently, my library has six tarot decks, three oracle decks, and one Lenormand deck. With each deck, I have learned a new thing about the tarot, and I look forward to adding more decks soon. I will say that I never want to feel overwhelmed by my decks, so I am very thoughtful in the decks that I purchase. I need to feel a connection to the deck, and that it adds something new to my practice.

2. Is there such a thing as owning too many decks, or not enough decks?

The number of decks that each person thinks is "too many" will vary from person to person. I like the amount of decks that I have now, and I am comfortable with buying more decks as I need them. I don't think I'll ever buy very many "classic" decks, like the RWS, Morgan Greer, Thoth, etc, since the artwork does nothing for me, and I can always pull up those images on the internet for reference if I need to.
3. Do you think the prevalence of deck images and sharing online creates a desire for more decks? Are you affected? How do you handle it?

I love that people share their decks online. It helps me to see every card and make an informed decision before I buy the deck. I imagine if I had more disposable income, or if I were younger, I'd be more easily swayed by the "need all the decks" mentality, but I have no problem waiting for decks or passing on a deck that doesn't suit me.

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