About Me

Hi, I'm Rachel from Flying Fox Tarot.

I am a tarot reader, dog lover, and newbie blogger. My mission is to share my love of tarot, mythology, fantasy novels, and occult studies with the world in a no-bullshit way. In my studies and interactions with people on the Internet, I have found there are a lot of myths and misinformation about tarot. I've always been called to educate others, and I have always found that teaching others helps me to learn as well.

My Tarot Journey

In January 2016, I went on my Birthright trip to Israel. While I was there, I met my friend Anna from Lady Lionheart Tarot, who read my tarot cards. I had some passing interest in tarot cards from middle school, but I had never seriously perused it. After I came back to the states, I got my first ever tarot deck and started my journey into the crazy world of tarot. Since I was unemployed from March to August of 2016, I spent those months studying tarot every day for hours on end. I learned so much from books, slinging cards for friends and family, posting readings on Instagram, and doing tarot trades. In June 2016, I felt comfortable enough with my growing skills as a tarot reader that I opened my Etsy shop. In December 2016, I started this blog, and have continued to learn and grow with tarot.

How I Read Tarot

I consider myself to be an intuitive tarot reader. But, what does that mean? In a nutshell, this means that I don't follow a system, like Rider Waite Smith or Thoth, when I read tarot. I use a combination of keywords, symbols from the tarot cards, numbers, and Kabalah symbolism in a blend to give the best possible reading for myself or client. This means that each reading is different and in tune to what my intuition is saying, even if the cards are the same.


#TarotThrusdayThree is a weekly feature on my blog. Hosted by Julia of Spiral Sea Tarot, every week there are three tarot related questions to answer. These questions are meant to start discussions about different tarot topics, and foster community in the tarot blogosphere. You can read all of my answers here. 

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