Wednesday, December 18, 2019

A Reason for Spellwork and A Self Love Spell

I am a witch, and I have a confession to make. I very rarely cast spells or do any spellworking. It's not because I don't use spells in my practice. On the contrary, I have piles of books and lists of spells and whole grimoires full of them that I'd love to cast. It's not because I have any moral reasoning to not use certain types of spells, such as hexes, jinxes, and curses. I believe that "do what you will as long as it harms none" is a ridiculous standard, and honestly, sometimes a well placed hex is needed. It's not because I lack the knowledge or ability to cast any spell that I desire. I have been studying witchcraft, Wicca, the occult, and magic since I was able to go to my local library and check out books by myself. As for ability, that resides solely in myself. Finally, it's not because I lack the needed ingredients. Most of the spells I work, on the rare occasion that I do so, have very simple ingredients and tools that I already have, or I can acquire the items at my local market.

So, if it's not against my morals, I have the resources, and I want to try spells, then why is it that I never cast any? The simple reason? I'm always waiting for the right time. Not the right time as in "this spell is better at a new moon" or "love spells are best on Fridays", but the right time in that I have the best reason to do a spell. Honestly, that is probably the worst reason to not do magic. In life there are very rarely the right occasions to do anything. You just need to take the jump into the void whenever you can.

For most magic that directly effects yourself and is worked for the greater good, you shouldn't need to wait for a special time or a special reason. Wanting to try out the spell for knowledge's sake should be the only reason that you need.

For spells that effect other people, either for good or ill, there needs to be more consideration. Casting a hex or a curse requires a lot of emotion and energy to power it. If you don't have that energy to feed into the hex, then you run the risks of it not working or it blowing up in your face. Magic isn't one thing. It's a tool, but it's also malleable. You can use it as a needle to mend, or as a bomb to destroy. As long as you are aware of the potential consequences, you should feel free to do whatever magic you want. Which is why my hesitancy to cast even a simple money spell is even more contrary to the beliefs I hold about what magic IS and what it DOES.

There is also something to be said for the old adage that "practice makes perfect". If you never practice any spells, then how are you able to learn and grow within your own power? How are you able to build the mental discipline to work bigger spells and greater magics? What about when you do need that hex or to cast out unwanted visitors or to protect yourself and others? How will you go about it if you've never done a spell and have no idea where to start?

So now I'm going to give you and myself some homework. To start, if you've never thought about the spells and ways you want to use magic, as well as your personal ethics for magic, now's the time to start. I think that my ethics are pretty clear, but here's some questions to get you started.
1) How do you feel about using magic for personal gain? How do you define personal gain?
2) Love, health, wealth - do you cast spells for any of these topics? What are your boundaries?
3) Hexes, curses, jinxes - what about these? Are they acceptable to you? Under what circumstances?
4) Protection spells - offensive or only defensive? How do you define these things?
5) Magic as manipulation - if you could change someone's mind, would you? What about forcing people to bend to your will?

Now that you've figured out a bit of your personal ethics of magic, ask yourself, how do you like to work magic? A ritual? Do you call down the moon? Invoke deities, ancestors, or spirits? Do you like candle magic, knot magic, color magic, creating a sigil, drawing some tarot cards? Do you use incense or herbs? What about circles? Do you use them or not?

Lastly, find a spell and cast it. If it aligns with your morals, you have the things, and you want to do it, then go forth and cast a spell. It can be as simple as lighting a candle or as complex as a full Great Rites ritual. The more you use your magic, the more it will grow and the more things you will learn about yourself. Which is easier said then done, I know. As I write, today is Monday and not the best day for complex magic. It's ruled by the moon how is a tricky mistress. However, I did a small bit of magic - a self love spell to attract all current and future partners to my truest self.

You will need:
A red candle
A pin to inscribe the candle
Oils to dress the candle (I used a love oil and a truth oil)
A piece of paper
A red pen
A flame proof place to burn the paper, such as a cauldron
Incense (I used dragon's blood) or other offerings
Rose quartz
Anything else with the symbolism of love and truth

Prepare the paper. Write your name three times and cross and cover with the name of your partner (I wrote "All present and future partners"). Write your intention around the names without lifting your pen.
Prepare the candle. Inscribe one side with your name and the other with "My truest self" or other phrase that complements your intention.
Light the incense and candle. Stare through the smoke and flames to your paper. Say your intention out loud and then light the paper with the candle.
Once the paper was burned in the fireproof dish, place the candle on top and say our intention again.
Give thanks and let the candle and incense burn down.
Disposed of the spell reminds in your usual method, but keep the piece of rose quartz or the other talisman where you can see it.
Renew monthly.

I hope that I have given you a bit of inspiration to be your truest, witchiest self, and do some fucking magic already!

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