#tarotthursdaythree is a weekly blogging prompt hosted by Julia from Spiral Sea Tarot. Read more of my answers here.
1. If you could read for anyone in the world (living or dead but not fictional) who would it be?
If I had to pick one person, it would probably have to be Rachel Pollack, tarot author and my personal hero, to read for. 78 Degrees of Wisdom was my first deep tarot book I read, and it blew my mind. I got a good feeling for her personality in that book, and I feel like her ideas of how the tarot works are very similar to mine. I would probably be sweating bullets the entire time, but I'm always freaking out a little bit before reading tarot, so I think it would be fine.
My runner up is probably Ava Lovelace, the inventor of the first punch card computer and computer programmer. Form everything that I've read about her, she loved fiber arts and had a very imaginative mind. Her idea for the computer came from jacquard weaving looms. I think she would get a kick out of the cards and the new way we read them for personal advice. I think it would blend her inspirational, Wand like attitude with her down to earth nature.
For my fictional character pick, because I'm a rebel, I would read for Harry Dresden, wizard and private detective from The Dresden Files. Later in the books, Harry starts to work with people who aren't powerful enough to be wizards, but have an affinity for magic and trouble. I think he would like the way I approach the cards, and I would also be interested in how his magic would work with my reading. Also, I just want to hang out with his dog Mouse.
2. On the flip side, if you could have your cards read by anyone who would you choose (assuming money, time and location are no issue)?
I have a few people for this, just like the last question. First, I would love for Professor Trelawney from Harry Potter to read my cards. On the surface, she just seems like the most airy fairy teacher out there and a little obsessed with death, however I think there's more to her character than meets the eye. She knows a ton of different Diversionary techniques, and I feel like her tarot readings could be really spot on. I also think that when Harry is around her, she is affected by his aura and her prophecy for him, making her even more death obsessed. On her own, I think the reading could be super good.
My real life pick for a reading is Veronica Varlow, burlesque beauty and tarot reader babe. Her tarot temple and rose petal ritual sounds like the most spiritual and luxurious experience ever. I also really love how she not only reads your cards, but gives you a plan for how to put the reading to work in the next month. Her format of how she reads has really influenced how I do readings for people as well. While I don't help people plan out their month, I do give examples of how to use my advice and a mantra that people can use in their real lives.
3. Is your tarot practice something you openly share with those around you? Are there some people in your life who would be surprised by your use of it?
I'm pretty open about my tarot practice with those I know. I have it posted all over my social media, I am constantly promoting my Etsy shop, and I have read for a lot of my family and friends. At this point, I don't think my tarot practice is something that surprises people, if anything I think it would be more surprising for people if I didn't have some kind of alternative spiritual practice. I think people are mostly surprised that I am still so skeptical, even though I have crystals, and I call myself a witch, and I read tarot. I believe that I can do all of these things, and have a very magical and spiritual life, and still believe in science and be a "rational" person. I believe that reading tarot is both an art and science, which marries my rational side and whimsical side to help me make the most of my personal development. This is exactly how I read for other people as well, and I try my best to help everyone I read for as much as I can.
Lots of love and magical sprinkles!
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