Saturday, May 27, 2017

#tarotthursdaythree: All About Oracle Decks

#tarotthursdaythree is a weekly blogging prompt hosted by Julia from Spiral Sea Tarot. Read more of my answers here.

I was very excited to see that the prompts this week are about oracle decks, since I haven't really talked about my oracle deck or how I use them, even though they do a lot of heavy lifting! Oracle cards have a very different feeling and way of answering than tarot or Lenormand.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

#tarotthursdaythree: All About Readings

#tarotthursdaythree is a weekly blogging prompt hosted by Julia from Spiral Sea Tarot. Read more of my answers here.

1. If you could read for anyone in the world (living or dead but not fictional) who would it be?

If I had to pick one person, it would probably have to be Rachel Pollack, tarot author and my personal hero, to read for.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

#tarotthursdaythree: Decks, decks, decks!

It's a Sunday, not Thursday, but I felt the need to quickly answer these questions from last week. If this is your first week with #tarotthursdaythree, check out my past posts where I explain more in depth.

1. What feelings and thoughts does the concept of a "tarot deck collection" evoke in you?

On this week's chat with Kelly from The Truth in Story on YouTube, she talked about not having a "collection" but a "tarot library". I think this is a great way to think about decks.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Inhale, Exhale

As of this writing, I haven't posted about tarot on Instagram sine April 18th. I haven't posted on Instagram about anything since April 23rd. In this time, I haven't really even looked at Instagram, or any tarot related blogs, books, or YouTube channels. I also haven't even touched a deck of cards. Not even playing cards.

The first week, I didn't really notice. I had just gotten back from a brutal work trip. I felt like crap after a week of event food, no sleep, and lots of stress.