#Tarotthursdaythree is hosted by Spiral Sea Tarot, where she posts three tarot related questions for tarot readers to answer.
1. What is the deck that you're using the most these days?
I don't have the largest deck collection, so I use most of my decks year round. However, right now I am slightly obsessed with the Trionfi della Luna by Patrick Valenza. It's a beautiful Marseilles styled deck with ten oracle cards and two alternate Major Arcana cards. It has the same creepy vibe as the Deviant Moon deck, but with a lighter color palette that I have really been loving this spring. The Wooden Tarot and Earthbound Oracle decks by A. L. Swartz have also been getting a lot of use, probably because they have the same type of light colors. The last deck that I have that would fit this theme is the Vintage Botanical Oracle by Points of Five Tarot, so I'm sure that will end up in the rotation soon. I also reach for my Prisma Visions deck and The Wild Unknown deck a lot.
2. How did you primarily learn to read tarot i.e. mentor, books, trial and error, online etc.?
Primarily, I study from books. I love to read, and the feeling of holding a book is a big part of my enjoyment in learning tarot. From every book, I learn something new, and add another level to my tarot reading. I also have learned a lot just from trial and error. I post on Instagram nearly every day, and I have learned a lot by keeping a steady practice of reading every day. The main key to learning tarot is that daily practice. If you only take out the cards every so often, it's impossible to build the kind of literacy that you need in larger spreads.
3. When you're reading tarot, what, if any sources, do you believe you're connecting with?
I believe that it's a blend of the Jungian collective unconscious and my own intuition. The collective unconscious is a pool of information that is so universal, you see the same themes in every culture. When you use the tarot cards to tap into that pool, you have access to patterns and ideas that wouldn't normally occur to you. The cards, and their images, act as a trigger, connecting the conscious mind with that information. The other part is intuition, which is a handy word for all the information that the mind has a tendency to discard. Humans take in millions of bits of information every waking second, and we'd go insane if we remembered everything, so the mind discards a lot to protect itself. But some fragments still wander around the mind, and are pulled together in a way that can be called supernatural, but it's anything but. Here again, the tarot card acts like a trigger to help the mind pull together all the half forgotten fragments into a cohesive whole. I don't think I'm getting messages from gods or angels or ancestors, but I'm also not ruling anything out.
That's a wrap for this week! Make sure to check out all the other #tarotthursdaythree bloggers I've found so far, and feel free to join in the fun this week as well! (Leave a link in the comments to your blog so I can add you to the list.)
Spiral Sea Tarot
Tarot by Ania
Exporingly Yours
Unearthing the Gift
First Earth Tarot
If you would like to book a reading with me, you can find my current offerings on my Etsy shop.
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