Another week, and another three questions from Spiral Sea Tarot.
1. Scenario: You're reading for another, but your mind goes blank. None of the cards seem to "match" the inquiry and you're having a hard time interpreting what you're seeing - tips or strategies to overcome the situation?
Confession time: my mind goes blank with every single reading I do. It doesn't matter if I'm reading for myself, a friend, or a client; when I first look at the completed spread I have that moment of nothingness. This used to really, really freak me out and knock my confidence. I would think that I had no idea what I was doing, and get frustrated. It wasn't until I accepted that I would always have that "moment of blankness", that I could start to work with it. Now, I take a deep breath and start by taking an overview of the whole spread. I let my mind sink into that blank feeling and see what jumps out at me. This allows me to not fear or be frustrated by that moment, but to let it help my tarot practice. Kim Huggins in Tarot 101 had a great tip for this as well, when reading for clients. Keep a pencil and sharpener next to you, so after you lay the cards you can sharpen the pencil. This gives your hands something to do, and keeps the client from rushing you into the reading. I personally don't like pencil shavings near my deck, so I'll often take a sip of my drink for the same effect.
2. If you were going to get a Tarot inspired tattoo, what would it be? Bonus points if you know where you'd get it!
I have so many tattoo ideas, it's hard to narrow them down! If I did get a tarot tattoo, I would want it to be more representative of tarot as a whole, instead of a card from a particular deck. My first thought is a traditional hand with four cards, each showing a different suit. I have also toyed with the idea of just getting a deck of cards, maybe sitting next to a candle or a cup of coffee. If I went with one card, it would have to be The High Priestess, since she represents the ideal tarot reader. Instead of getting her portrait, I'd get a book, a pomegranate, and a moon to represent her. As for placement, because most of these would look best on a large, smooth area, the front of my thigh would be the ideal place.
3. What are your thoughts on PIPs or scene-less suit cards? Love them, hate them - I want to know what and why!
I love pip cards so much. I like to look at a whole spread, and see what jumps out at me in terms of suits and numbers, which I feel is the strength of pip cards. I have been using my Trionfi della Luna deck for the past month, and every time I cut from it, I fall in love with pips all over again. I also really love decks like The Wild Unknown, The Wooden Tarot, and Pagan Otherworlds that hit that scenic/pip sweet spot. They have a bit more detail than a true pip deck, but the suit icons are still the star of the card, allowing them to really stand out in large spreads.
That's a wrap for this week! Make sure to check out all the other #tarotthursdaythree bloggers:
Spiral Sea Tarot
Tarot by Ania
The Feel Good Business
Exporingly Yours
Unearthing the Gift
First Earth Tarot
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